Chart Review


Autopsy report review

Chart review

Case review

Autopsy report review. 

If you have had an autopsy performed on your loved one sometime in the past, we can review the report with you.  We will help you understand the content.  We will also help you know what questions you may wish to ask the autopsy service provider or your loved one’s health care provider.  Let us help you plan so that you achieve the closure you deserve.


Chart review. 

If you are interested in a chart review, the Autopsy Center can help.  Even if you have not had an autopsy on your loved one, we can work with you. We can also provide comprehensive chart review when your goals included possible litigation.


Case review. 

The Autopsy Center can work with you by combining an autopsy report review, chart review, and review of any other ancillary material.  In the setting of litigation, we can participate in a comprehensive way.  We are not on “one side or another.”  Our goal is to bring out the “truth of the case.”  And we will share that information with you and any legally designated party.


If you wish to clarify questions from a hospitalization or other health care visit, we are happy to review a medical record. Please call us at 1-855-8-AUTOPSY.