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FUTURISM September, 2019 Meet the Doctor Who’s Livestreaming Human Autopsies

TNT January, 2018 The Alienist: Dying Art of the Autopsy Behind the Scenes.

FOX32 CHICAGO December, 2015. Coverage of “The Autopsy Talks” at Theater Wit.

DNAINFO CHICAGO. November, 2015. Dr. Margolis interviewed. “‘The Autopsy Talks’ Give Rare Look at the Ins and Outs of Autopsies.” By Ariel Cheung. Read Article.

WALL STREET JOURNAL. March, 2015. Dr. Margolis interviewed. “What Autopsies Can Teach” By Melinda Beck. Read article.

LIFE MATTERS MEDIA. January, 2015. “In Light Of Possible Abuse At Body Donation Centers, Experts Offer Advice.” Dr. Margolis interviewed on how families can protect themselves and their loved one when exploring body donation options. Read article.

LIFE MATTERS MEDIA. January, 2014. “Margolis pays special attention to the family’s story and concerns…. “I never really thought about what an autopsy can do for a family,” [an attendee at Science to Humanity: The Autopsy] said. “I never saw the emotional aspect.” Read article.

CHICAGO MAGAZINE. May, 2013. “Phil Corboy Jr. of Corboy & Demetrio, a prominent personal injury law firm in Chicago … credits Margolis [Director of the Autopsy Center of Chicago] with providing an answer [to the family] sensitively and quickly…. ‘Ben [Margolis] is probably the top expert in Chicago….'” Read article.

CHICAGO JOURNAL. July, 2012. “Dr. Ben Margolis presented his acclaimed presentation on medical autopsies….” Read article.

A.V. CLUB. April, 2012. “The A.V. Club … came away thoroughly squicked out and enchanted with all the new stuff we learned….[The class] makes death seem softer, quieter, or even a little more understandable.” [Article no longer available online]

TIME OUT CHICAGO. February, 2012. “[Dr. Margolis] takes his clients’ emotions very seriously….The slide show ends, my crime TV intrigue whetted….Dr. Margolis’s business card says it all….‘Information, Understanding, Peace of Mind.’” Read article.

MEDILL REPORTS CHICAGO. April, 2011. “[Course attendees] paid close attention to Margolis, whose office is in Chicago, as he passionately described the psychological and legal benefits of autopsies to the deceased’s next of kin.” Read article.
