is a forum for the public to submit letters on the topic of all things autopsy.
Your letter may be a question, experience you are sorting through now, or story from the past that still leaves you wondering.
The forum is new. We’re sorting through the balance between publishing public responses and Autopsy Center responses to your inquiry. For now, we will post letters on our Facebook page.
#DearAutopsyCenter is for non-emergent inquiries.
If you have recently lost a loved one and are sorting through whether or not to request an autopsy, please contact us directly at 855-8-AUTOPSY (855-828-8677).
Submitting to #DearAutopsyCenter.
Your name and email will be kept confidential.
Please do not include family names or other specific personal identifiers in your letter.
Submissions will be selected for publication at the sole discretion of Autopsy Center of Chicago.
Autopsy Center of Chicago reserves the right to edit your submission to ensure the content is appropriate for the general public.
By submitting, you are authorizing Autopsy Center of Chicago to publish your letter to the general public in any manner of printed or electronic media, including but not limited to web-based and/or social media-based platforms; and to allow readers to respond to your letter under any Autopsy Center of Chicago guidelines, if any.
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