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Join us Thursday at 7:30 pm on:
August 17, 2017
General Admission:
Student Admission:
The Fox Hole
2444 W. Montrose Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618
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Stories from heart gives voice to the heart’s struggles to keep life flowing through the body — and the family’s journey alongside. Voyage from vessel to valve, stent to saphenous vein graft, collapse to CPR — as tales unfold. A multimedia discussion with Dr. Margolis. Followed by a Q & A!
Is there an actual dead body at the event? No. The event is a multimedia discussion (slideshow; video; and possible demonstration).
Can my child attend? Due to the graphic nature of the event, the event is for age 18 and over. Autopsy Center of Chicago offers an event for high schools called “Live from the Morgue.” Please contact the Autopsy Center directly to discuss.
How graphic is the event? The event is highly graphic, much more so than the introductory event, ‘The Autopsy Talks.’ There is extended video footage and more views of the outside of the body. While still sensitive and respectful, the event presumes comfort with the body. There are no views of the face.
Is there is a student discount or university group rate?
Please click on the ticket site to learn about individual student discounts; or contact the Autopsy Center directly to discuss group rates.