We understand the awesome responsibility of patient care. We also understand, in the case of disease progression or unexpected death, you may wish to know more about your patient’s condition. You may also wish to share this information with your patient’s family, especially in cases where an inherited cause of death is discovered.
Contract with us for directed post-mortem assessment tailored to your specialty. We currently offer a Small Incision Autopsy detailing heart disease. However, please feel free to let us know your needs and we are happy to develop a plan for your practice specialty.
While we typically work directly with families, we can function like a “hospital pathology department” working directly with you, the clinician. You consent the legal next of kin, you receive the report, you discuss the results with the family. Or we can partner flexibility depending on your needs.
In the event of a patient death outside the hospital, you may find it difficult to arrange an autopsy at your affiliated medical center on short notice or find that the family does not wish for a complete autopsy. We are integrated into the community and can provide rapid, accurate, directed autopsy. We are a neutral service and informational and medical records disclosures are in strict compliance with the law.
We are here to facilitate your practice excellence by providing the critical post-mortem information you need.
[button label=”Learn about Small Incision Autopsy” url=”new-small-incision-autopsy” target=”_blank” color=”#f05134″] [button label=”View a Heart Autopsy Report” url=”http://autopsychicago.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Heart-Autopsy-Report-1.pdf” target=”_blank” color=”#f05134″]